Youth Group Games

Outdoor Games

  • Ultimate Frisbee

  • Ultimate Soccer - combine ultimate frisbee and soccer, 2 games at once, call out if swatch or crazy time.

  • Kickball

  • Crazy Kickball
    • Similar rules to kickball but

    • Everyone gets 1 at kick (no matter how many outs)

    • No Bleeding

    • Set an out of bounds area that gets you auto out (for the big kickers) - no home run zone (woods)

    • Bases are hoola hoops, and multiple people can be on any base at any time.

    • Score 2 points by making it home. Score 1 point if you get hit in the head as a runner, -1 point for ball going out of bounds (foul ball is just re-kick, no strike outs)

    • Catching ball in the air causes kicker to be out

    • Runners DO NOT have to tag back the base they started on to proceed.

    • No force outs

    • If the ball touches a runner anywhere below the shoulders while your not on base they are out.

    • This should allow for each team to cycle through hitters, so it’s pretty timeboxed

  • Schlagball
    • Schlag is German for Strike

    • Have students pair up. whoever they pair up with, that is their opponent in this 1v1 or 2v2 game.

    • Before splitting up pairs, give each pair a number. then ask them to get on their side.

    • Similar to steal the bacon. Get half pool noodles, and a beach ball. Place 1 pool noodle on each side, and pool ball in the middle, have students line up same distance away, and draw a line on each side.

    • The goal is to use only the pool noodle to get the beach ball across the opponents side line.

    • After everyone has had a chance to go, you can throw a 2nd pool noodle on each side and have 2v2.

    • You can also do a final battle, where each team picks 2 champions and they face off with 2 other champions for the victory

  • 4 Square

  • 9 Square (have to built court)

  • VolleyBall

  • Capture the Flag with Close Pins? or Cone?

  • Sneak

    Field Image

    • Supplies (10 balls, 4 cones, dividing line, 2 hula hoops)

    • Capture the balls (5 in hula hoops on each side)

    • Tag someone who is on your side to send them to the waiting zone.

    • They can be freed from the waiting zone if they are tagged.

    • Only handle 1 ball or free 1 team member per attempt.

    • Winner is the team with most balls at timer, or who controls 9 balls.

  • Spud
    • Or Reverse Dodge Ball
    • Supplies (cones to mark off boundaries + soft dogeball)
    • First everyone announce their names (or numbers)
    • Everyone bunches up in middle, person who is it throws ball into the air, the persons name who is called is now It.
    • It catches the ball and yells ‘SPUD’. They can take 4 giant steps (no jumping), and try and hit a target.
    • The target may not leave his feet, but can dodge, or catch the ball. If the ball is caught IT is out, if the other person is hit, they are out.
    • Play until last man standing.
  • Guard the President
    • Big circle + 1 president + 1 body guard
    • Everyone in circle tries to take out the president with a dodge ball
    • Body Guard protects the president however he/she can by blocking or catching the ball(s)
    • Once president is hit, the body guard is now the president and the person who hit the president is the body guard.
  • Seated basketball (round to 4 points everyone chooses where to put chair only move after round is over)

  • Ultimate Foosball X on floor you have to stay there or move left to right only.

  • PoopDeck - (Poop Deck | Quarter Deck | Main Deck)

  • Sweet Cuppin' Cakes

    Field Image

    • Use this diagram
    • 10 tennis balls for each team (2 which are special worth 3 points others are worth 1)
    • Throwers can kick balls when in play, can only throw 1 ball through hoop on each lap. After throwing, the thrower has to go and pick up a ball from behind the hoop.
    • Play for 5 minutes and get scores, then swap out goaler and bashers.
    • This game is a bit chaotic, but seemed to be a lot of fun. Note the goaler can move the goal to help get points.
  • World Record Night

    • Spit mini marshmallow the farthest
    • Throw a barbie doll the farthest (underhand)
    • Roll the hoola hoop the farthest
    • Hold the longest ‘note’
    • Balance a mug on your elbow
    • Say the alphabet backwards the fastest
    • Sing baby shark the fastest while balancing on one foot
  • Defender of cones

Indoor Games

  • Picture this - paper plate drawing

  • Warewolf

  • Mafia

  • 2 Truths and a Lie (maybe with points)

  • Lego Flash puzzle, create a few batches that groups can work together maybe 2-3 people per group. - Take a picture and show it off for 30 seconds and have group work together to best recreate it from memory

  • Best Halloween Candy Bracket - Build candy bags for each student. Create a bracket of candy given, and work through each bracket with a vote from the students talley up votes and work through bracket until winner is decided. - Maybe done after dinner + need big poster or white board to track progress.

  • 4 on a counch: everyone writes their first name down on a notecard. turn them in, re-pass out names. Have a couch with 4 people on it (2guys 2 girls). Goal is to get your whole team on the couch. Person to the left of the open seat calls a name, the person that has the name card moves to open spot and swaps names with caller… next left to open seat now gets to call a name.

  • In Person Guess Who
    • Divide group into two teams
    • Select 1 from each team to select a person from their team
    • Everyone stands up across from one another
    • Go down the line asking 1 at a time to ask a Yes/No question to the other team person.. i.e. is it a girl, doe they have blue shoes, etc.
    • If the answer is yes to a question, whoever has the attribute sits down till the other team narrows it down to 1 person, they win.
  • Guess the Village Cheif
    • One person leaves
    • Choose a village chief, that everyone else has to mimic (clap, stomp, whistle, snapping, or other movements or sounds).
    • Person comes back and has to guess who the chief leader is.
  • NRPSC - Name Rock Paper Scissors Cheer

    • First Introduce yourself to your opponent “Hi I’m Butch” “shake hands”
    • Best of 3 rounds of rock paper scissors. Whoever looses, has to become a part of the cheer squad for the winner. (No salt allowed, cheer loud and have fun with it!)
    • Winner gets to choose ___ or gets a prize.
    • Leaders choose best cheer squad.
  • Count to __ (number of participants) with the whole group

    • But you have to call the numbers out individually, one by one and in order.
    • You aren’t allowed to talk outside of calling out your number.
    • If anyone speaks at the same time as someone else, you have to start over.
    • Everyone can only say one number.
  • Murder by eyesight

    • Everyone in a circle, take a look around, scan the circle and make a choice
    • Everyone closes their eyes at the sound (call) everyone opens their eyes and if any two people make direct eye contact they have to dramatically die (sit going forward). (this may be too long of a game for a bigger group)
  • Future Inspiration